Primary Source Reflection – Week 5

Hi all,

For week 5’s primary source reflection, I want you to read an outside source: “Foraging for Valley Forge – Private Joseph Plumb Martin (1777).” This is a harrowing account of the experience of the Continental Army while it was encamped at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777. This is usually pointed to as an example of the iron determination of the soldiers in General Washington’s army. Despite conditions that would make most people give up, they pushed on, survived, and would eventually win the ultimate victory over the British. In some ways, the deprivation and struggles faced at Valley Forge may have helped make this possible.

After reading this source, answer the following questions. And, as always, feel free to include your general reflections on this source! As a reminder, source reflections need to be at least 300-500 words in length.

1. How does Pvt. Martin’s account reflect the forging of his American identity?

2. Why do you think the army was able to endure hardships such as what we read about at Valley Forge?

3. How does Pvt. Martin’s account tie-in with our other readings on the Revolution?

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