Inside the Teenage Brain Documentary(Notes)


You are required to watch two relatively short video “chapters” of the Frontline video – note, there were originally several weekly PBS Frontline episodes of this documentary, but the PBS Frontline website no longer makes it easy to click on a specific chapter/episode.

With that in mind, you will find the two key chapters you are to watch as follows:Chapter #1 – Teenagers’ Inexplicable Behavior (starts at first “dot”, 0 and goes to 10:24 minutes) and Chapter #4 “You Just Don’t Understand” (Starts at fourth “dot” at 24:29 mins and ends 32:07 mins.). Again, these episodes represent the first and fourth dots on the video’s time tracker. 

As you watch them, think about and take notes on anything related to: (bullet point format)
1. How the teenage brain seems to be different from the adult brain (e.g., how it processes emotionally-charged information, etc.),
2.  and how those differences lead to challenges in parenting teens and
3. How the teens in the video believe adults perceive and treat theme. Be specific in your notes

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