Reading Critique

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Cohen, Brawer and Kisker (2014, p-110) point to the suggestion by Richardson (1975) that models of governance and administration must be constructed in order to understand the workings of the community college.
1 – Discuss [1 page max] the overlap between the following as each applies to a community college:
2 – Cover (briefly) the three (3) major models proposed by Richardson, as presented in the text book.
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According to Cohen, Brawer, and Kisker (2014, p-209) the instructional process is complemented by a range of ancillary activities known as student services.
As a result the responsibilities of student services now includes at least twelve (12) different activities.
What are the twelve (12) activities included in student services?
Cohen, Brawer, and Kisker (2014, p-211) go on to observe that the core values of the community college student affairs profession have deep roots in theories of student development and engagement.
What are the five (5) elements or activities included in the core values of the community college student affairs profession?
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Cohen, Brawer, and Kiser (2014, p-154) refer to four (4) typical models for state support for community colleges as listed by Wattenbarger and Starnes (1976). These four models address the various methods or ways that cc’s get their funding$$.
1. Name the four (4) models by Wattenbarger and Starnes (1976).
2. Describe the four (4) models by Wattenbarger and Starnes (1976).
Cohen, Brawer, and Kisker (2014, p-157) refer to performance-based funding as a way of augmenting or replacing enrollment-based allocation models as a way to encourage colleges to work towards state priorities.  Ohio in 2008 and Tennessee in 2010 replaced their enrollment-based allocation models with performance-based funding.
1. What are “performance contracts?”
2. How do “performance set-asides, or bonus funds” operate?
3. Describe the many arguments critical of performance-based funding that are mentioned in the text?

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