A discussion of Tawaraya Sotatsu and Ogata Korin’s artwork

Choose three objects (or up to five objects) of Tawaraya Sotatsu and Ogata Korin’s artwork that show small differences in each. Discuss what the common feature of those works are and the difference. All the work has to be from the Edo period.

For example, -Works of the same artists, which show the different stages of the artists career or style(how the artist evolved), or different types of work of the same artist. -Works that explain different aspects of the same style or school. -Works with similarity in the subject matter with difference in their background (e.g. three different schools or three different artists working on the same subject). -Works of the same style from different periods. -Same type of works that shows different aspects.

Please include illustrations of all the works as well as the basic information (such as the title, artist, media and format, size, date, provenance) for each work.
Please make sure to fit into the word limit. There could be point reductions if the length does not meet the requirement. 

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