Art and Music

artist research (10 pts.) / music research (10 pts.) 1-pages each double-spaced

Final Paper (3-4 pages double-spaced) 25 pts.
The final paper assignment has 3 parts (submit 2-3 separate files or all parts in one file):

    Research statement (1 page) about 1 artist and his/her artwork. You should select 1-2 artworks to focus on (see details below)
    Research statement (1 page) about 1 musician/band and his/her/their music. You should choose 1 song to focus on (see details below).
    Your paper (3-4 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font) will be an expository essay that explains how both the artist and musician that you researched respond to a Big Idea through a common Theme (point of view/argument). (3-4 pages,)

    An expository essay (see details below) requires the writer to research and investigate a Big Idea, gather supporting evidence, and present a point of view or argument (Theme) that builds on the Big Idea. This can be done through multiple methods, including compare and contrast, cause and effect, or examples. Simply put, and expository essay is a research paper that makes a specific claim. (See formatting outline for paper on last page)

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