Proposal Outline

For your final assignment, you will propose a community history project. This assignment will be the outline of your proposal, which will be used as a starting point in your research.

In 1,000-1,250 words, outline your proposal for community research. This is just a rough outline of the type of community you would like to research and how you would go about conducting your research. While you may not actually be able to conduct your research, your proposal still needs to be viable and plausible.

In your outline please include:

1. Choose a community in your area. The community needs to be travel assessable.

2. Describe characteristics of the community, including its origin, historical importance, and any other pertinent information

3. Describe the steps you will take to gain access to the community and community resources

4. Describe the research techniques you plan to use to obtain information on the community. Will you work with other organizations or projects to obtain your information? How will you give them credit or add to their work?

5. How would you preserve the community history (i.e., website, curate a museum exhibit, preserve documents in an archive)?

6. Are there any legal forms you need to have for preservation? If so, which ones.

7. Are there any ethical issues you could anticipate encountering? How do you plan to deal with those issues?

8. Will your research be controversial in any way? How will you deal with the controversy?

9. What media will you use to present the community history?

At least five to seven scholarly resources are required.

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