essay 2

Paper Requirements Students will submit 1 essay which shall be approximately
1,250 to 1,500 words not including a title page, bibliography, footnotes, or graphics (e.g., four [4]
to five [5] pages long). Each essay should be double-spaced, use a 12-point Times Roman-based
font, and have standard one-inch margins all around. Each essay counts for 10% of your course
grade (e.g., 20% in total).

Choose one (1) of the following for Essay #2:
1. Any discussion of the power and authority in government taps into the larger
questions of political theory such as the nature of the State, the legitimacy of
governments themselves, the limits to their powers, and the rights of revolution and
civil disobedience. How are these larger issues intrinsic to the study of public
administration? Must governments possess legitimate authority in order to have
2. What are the challenges, the pluses, and minuses, of organizational culture? In
general, do you think organizational cultures should be nurtured or streamlined
(e.g., made more uniform throughout government)? How should the government go
about injecting innovation and creativity into organizations?

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