Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a primary work from the options below. (attached below as PDFs) Read, examine, describe and engage with the authors conceptualization of freedom, faith, or belonging. Based on your chosen concept, consider the following questions in the analysis and critique:

a. Freedom: How does the author define freedom? How can it be attained? What obstacles prevent its attainment? How can his/her conceptualization of the term inform our discussion of race relations in 2021? Do you agree with his/her conceptualization? If not,
what are the fundamental problems with their approach?

b. Faith: Where does the author place his/her faith? Why does the author place her/his faith there? What does this site/person/institution offer that others do not? How does her/his
conceptualization of faith inform our discussion of race relations in 2021? Do you agree with her/his approach? If not, what are the fundamental problems with their approach?

c. Belonging: To what communities does the author belong or seek belonging? What characterizes belonging for her/him? How can belonging be attained? What obstacles prevent belonging? How can her/his conceptualization of belonging inform our
discussion of race relations in 2019? Do you agree with his/her position on belonging? If not, what are the fundamental problems with their approach?

Guidelines and Requirements for writing the paper.
Argument: A strong paper requires a strong thesis that is well articulated and proven. While your impressions might provide you a good place to begin thinking, unless supported by evidence and argument they will not constitute an effective essay.

Grammar: Be conscious of spelling, grammar, organizational clarity and other aspects of good
composition. Please be sure to proofread (not just spell-check) the work. Avoid using the first
person I. Avoid ending sentences with prepositions (e.g. in, at, to, on, about, of, etc.). Avoid colloquialisms such as a lot. Avoid passive voice (e.g. excessive use of the words has/have). One tip to help you avoid passive voice: After you are done writing your paper, search the document for the words has/have. If you are trying to communicate the idea of possession, then swap out has/have for words like contains, owns, includes, etc. If has/have is joined by a verb, change the tense so that the verb usage is active (e.g. has created laws becomes created laws). Make sure that you are efficient in communicating the ideas.

Formatting: Be sure to use 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1 inch margins. Include page numbers.

Citations: Use APA style citations for your sources. For example, in text citations might look like this (Jones 2008, pg. 26). Quotes longer than four lines should be single spaced and indented.

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