Resurrection of a Lost Art

discuss Mummification in terms of historical significance its importance historically from the past, present, and future perspectives

Known to many as “Mr. Mummy,” Professor Bob Brier is an Egyptologist specializing in paleopathology (the study of ancient diseases).  Considered one of the world’s foremost experts on mummies, Professor. Brier is the first person in 2,000 years to mummify a human cadaver, using the exact techniques of the ancient Egyptians.  In this lecture, he will share his expertise on mummy preservation gained through experimental study.

Watch Professor Bob Briers Lecture Video, Resurrection of a Lost Art, regarding Mummification in the ancient Egyptian world, and in our present-day timeline.

In your own words, and using evidence from the Film, discuss Mummification in terms of historical significance its importance historically from the past, present, and future perspectives.  Provide supporting reasoning FROM THE FILM only to back up your position.

Do not write about the (step) process of how mummification was done.  Rather, make connections and distinctions in addressing the above topics.

Shape your Film Discussion around your interpretation of the film, elaborating on the details that develop your point of view.  To do this as youre viewing the film, you will need to timestamp any line, quote or information from the film that you are using in your response.  (e.g., 0:32).

This becomes the reference source for your readers to locate it in the film.  It is also this time locator that offers supporting evidence as having viewed the video. As such, the Discussion assignment will only receive credit on those responses that contain the appropriate timestamp.  IF the time stamp for information used is not listed, a grade of zero will apply to this assignment

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