Any topic (writer’s choice)

In Chapter 7 of your textbook, Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, please read the 7.3 Case Study 3: Building a Multicultural TeamIs it Worth it? Please be sure to particularly address the following questions related to the case:

How do you describe Kalias self-efficacy? Is she showing levels of high and/or low efficacy? Discuss how her behavior exhibits each level.

How does Kalias self-efficacy impact her leadership?

What strategies do you recommend to Kalia to help her improve her cultural intelligence and develop her self-efficacy? Discuss at least two specific development approach.

What suggestions do you have for Kalia in leading her staff to be a culturally intelligent team?
Submit a 3 page paper, (independent of the title page and reference page) double-spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite additional sources, using APA format, independent of the textbook. MUST HAVE 5 CITED REFERENCES!!!!

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