Self Evaluation Essay

Composition II Self Evaluation Essay (30%)
Over the course of the semester you will gain a greater understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses and have multiple opportunities to improve through the weekly Discussions and subsequent feedback. Your final self evaluation essay will include documentation of that improvement as you explain your trajectory of proficiency in each of the learning outcomes of the course (found in the syllabus Course Matrix table, repeated for you below).
Your Self Evaluation Essays are graded on a scale of 0-20 points, recorded as a 0% – 100% in the gradebook. I will look at your essays unity and coherence, clarity, content, and formatting. You have an opportunity to earn up to 4 points in each of the 5 concepts, depending on your level of proficiency. A 4 is excellent proficiency, a 3 is average proficiency, a 2 is poor proficiency, and a 1 is minimal proficiency. A 0 is an incomplete or below minimal proficiency.
In order to be graded, your essay must meet the minimum word count of 900 words and be submitted by the deadline posted in D2L. Papers that lack source content transparency or demonstrate plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, will also receive 0s.
This essay is worth 30% of your overall grade in the course.
    To evaluate your own level of success in meeting the course outcomes.
    To demonstrate unity, coherence, clarity, content, and MLA formatting in the completion of an essay
o    Unity: To show alignment between and among main ideas and evidence directed toward one intended audience. Unity is affected by titles, lead-ins, main ideas, evidence, and the conclusion. Student must underline thesis (or enthymeme) and topic sentences. (4 pts).
o    Coherence: To write with order and flow between and among ideas at the sentence-level and paragraph level. Attribution and the use of transitional words and phrases affects coherence, as does maintaining one consistent strategy or order. Student must highlight 5 transitional words and phrases. (4 pts).
o    Clarity: To explain concepts using specific language, standard English, and a variety of types of relevant, credible evidence, including evidence from sources and from experiences and logic. (4 pts).
o    Content: To proficiently use appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos in the completion of an essay on the given topic, your proficiency in the listed outcomes. Students must incorporate at least one source as source content. (4 pts).
o    Formatting: To format headers, headings, titles, the body of an essay, and transparently cite both in-text and end citations using MLA guidelines. (4 pts).
    Prewriting: Use the table (below) to keep track of your demonstrable proficiency in each of the course outcomes. Choose 3 or more examples from your own writing this semester that demonstrate your abilities in each outcome.
    Organization: As the semester progresses, return to the table (below) to continue updating and organizing your examples. Before writing your essay, use the table to help you formulate a more formal outline. Outlines will help you maintain unity and coherence as you draft.
    Drafting: Once you have completed or *almost* completed your table (below), begin drafting your essay by writing each idea as a complete thought, starting with your thesis and topic sentences. Add an introduction and conclusion to your draft. Be sure to transparently cite and attribute any source content you incorporate.
    Revision: Ask another student (or multiple students) in the class to help you revise your draft. You are also encouraged to ask for help from the AEC. You can also use Grammarly or the Hemmingway Editor apps to help you make grammatical and stylistic choices. Use the OWL Purdue site to help you check each of your citations.
    Formatting: Use MLA format to finish your essay and prepare it for submission.
    Additional Requirements: The essay must meet the minimum word count of 900 words, the thesis statement and topic sentences must be underlined, and 5 appropriate transitional words or phrases must be highlighted on the final draft. Students must incorporate at least one source as source content.

Outcomes Matrix

    Outcomes    Proficiencies
List specific Discussions or Assignments in which you demonstrate each of the following skills. Try to list 3 examples for each outcome by the end of the semester. You may wish to make notes or explain each example to help you draft the essay at the end of the semester.    Notes
Which of the examples shows the greatest proficiency? How did you determine that? What can you do (or did you do) to improve? Try to paraphrase this outcome in your own words.
To analyze, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate the aesthetics, arguments, and rhetorical strategies in various texts     Analyze and evaluate forms, arguments, and rhetorical strategies of diverse texts     1.
To apply critical problem-solving skills and research methods appropriate for understanding their relevance across disciplines    Apply critical problem-solving skills and research methods
To organize and develop original ideas, subjects, and thesis statements in oral and written arguments using print and electronic media    Create via print and electronic or other media original artifacts that effectively argue a stance, support a position, answer a question, or solve a problem using sound reason and relevant evidence appropriate to purpose and audience     1.
To engage individually and collaboratively in the writing process including prewriting, writing, editing, evaluating, and revising    Use strategies throughout the writing process for generating, revising, editing, proofreading, and critiquing texts    1.
    Edit for increased complexity of sentence level features such as grammar, mechanics, and punctuation    1.
To develop and support a thesis using primary and secondary sources for the following purposes:
    Integration    Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources to develop and support a thesis    1.
To implement conventions of research, documentation, and academic diction and style     Implement conventions of research, documentation, source integration, and language/ style appropriate for academic purposes    1.

The grading rubric is embedded into the D2L Assignments area and reads as follows. You can also view the rubric on D2L.

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