Leader profile for Ronald Reagan

The leader profile is a written submission where students (1) introduce a leader by describing pivotal events relevant to your specific focus on this leader (see Appendix 2 of the syllabus for a list of pre-approved leaders), (2) identify key successes and failures in the life of the leader, (3) draw on course concepts and empirical data to explain the key successes and failures, (4) offer key takeaways and lessons learned from the actions of this leader. This assignment will require significant preparation time as well as rehearsal. Note that there are some leaders on the list who are controversial: what the leaders on this list have in common is that they have influenced people (for better or worse). You may select a leader whom you believe has had a positive influence, negative influence, or mixed (positive and negative) influence on the world. This list is not exhaustive, so if you desire to analyze a leader not on the list, come see me first. I am more than happy to correspondent with you as you prepare for this assignment and answer any questions you might have. Your leader profile is due Friday, April 23 up to five double-spaced pages, 12 point, times new roman font, APA citation format. Your leader profile grade will be based on the following criteria:

Preparation: The student was concise and compelling in identifying both successes and failures of the leader while using appropriate grammar and punctuation.
Communication: The student was an effective storyteller in their writing while being compelling in their use of empirical data.
Scholarship: The student accurately described theories related to leadership and effectively linked those theories to the leader profile.
Relevance: The student established the practical relevance of the leader profile by linking the theories empirical research outcomes to real world problems (e.g., Abraham Lincoln was self-aware; self-awareness leads to better performance; as we develop self-awareness as managers, we will connect with those we lead, help them develop self-awareness, and motivate them to perform better while also performing better ourselves; we can develop self-awareness by reflecting and welcoming honest feedback from others).

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