fil noir

For your second essay, you will analyze film noir and neo noir by examining their social and historical contexts, themes (e.g., moral ambiguity, subjectivity, postwar or Cold War alienation, evolving gender roles, sexuality, racism), and related theory (e.g., Mulveys male gaze, Crenshaws intersectionality, or Butlers performativity).  You will incorporate a minimum of five readings into this 10-page essay.  (At least three sources must be from our assigned readings. A research tutorial, put together by Lehman Library staff, will be posted in Course Materials to help you find additional sources. You may also use recommended readings for your two additional sources.)  Your essay should have a clearly stated focus in the introduction that you develop in body paragraphs, rounded out with a conclusion that reflects on the significance of your chosen topic.

MLA formatting, with in-text citations and a separate Works Cited page (not part of the 10-page count); 12-pt. Times New Roman Font. 

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