Sociology research paper

Topic: Online learning and the effects it has on students

Each section should have a subtitle
5 separate sections.
Not a new page each time.

Five sections are:
Literature review 2 pages
Theory 2 pages
Methods 2 pages
Hypothesis 2 pages
Discussion 2 pages

Present the sections sequentially with the bibliography always in the back. (first sections one and two); (then one through four) (lastly all five sections)

Literature Review:
Cite minimum of 5 refereed social science research articles
Focused literature review-relate the findings in a coherent review of current knowledge
Choose and use a citation style (APA)

State the theory
Given PQR (Scope conditions) X(casual concept) Y (resultant concept) T (explanation)
All five elements of the theory are necessary
You may adapt someone elses theory or create your own but state it formally

Research Methods:
Choose an experimental design or a survey
Subject pool and random assignment procedures
MEasures of the criterion behaviors

Population, sampling frame and sample
MEthod of survey- mail, in person, telephone
Questions that represent the independent and dependent variables
Questions that control variables
All papers- statement of statistical technique you will use

Declarative sentence
Direction clearly stated (consistent with the literature?)

And consider potential findings
Discuss importance of the study
(for researchers in the specific area)(for sociologists generally)(for the larger society (policy implications ought statements)
Potential weaknesses of the study
NExt step for the research

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