investment in renewable energy

I work on this paper with my classmates. The parts I need to complete are:
discuss the drivers of the renewable energy investment story that we have reviewed in class, and any others that you think are significant. We have discussed, or will discuss, in class: global warming (also called climate change); pollution and its role in pushing investment in renewable energy; the amount of money likely to be in play; government regulationsnational, state/regional, or municipal–and subsidies which may favor (or disadvantage) investment in renewable energy; the potential in particular countries, including developing countries, for investment in renewables; comparative costs of renewable and fossil fuel technologies; the element of belief, sometimes called dreams, in major investment shifts, eg, the dream of limitless renewable energy; the consequences for renewable energy investment of the covid 19 pandemic; and the potential role of millions of electric car owners as a lobbying force to shift the world into a re-thinking of energy and pollution.

You should conclude your paper with a recommendation (to a major company or a big investor) on whether, after considering what happened in Texas, to invest or not in renewable energy. If the decision is to invest, does the Texas story change the focus of and/or the magnitude of the investment?

Your paper must be fully documentedYou can find relevant information and articles online.

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