Community-Based Solution on Homelessness

You are working to develop a prospective prevention program in your community to address a current social issue. For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation to discuss your prospective prevention program with possible funders/supporters.

In a 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and reference slides, select a local problem you see occurring in your community (HOMELESSNESS in Hawaii).
Please note that you will be including speaker notes as if you are giving the presentation in person as well as the slides when you submit this assignment.

After you have identified the social issue and the demographics related to your community (HOMELESSNESS in Hawaii), Consider the following in preparation for your presentation:

Select a model to approach the problem.

A. What are the steps you would take to create a program to address this need?

B. Who are the community leaders you need to work with to propose a solution from either internally in an established program or externally within the community?

Include the following in your presentation:

A title and reference slide

1. The selected model to approach the problem
2. How would you conduct a needs assessment?
3. Map out the capacity of the potential program
4. Create a timeline/phases for roll-out
5. How will the program be evaluated?

Use at least three scholarly references to support your analysis
Include speaker notes as if you are giving the presentation in person

I attached a PowerPoint template as an example of what I would like to turn in with titles (you do not have to use examples). I am hoping 150 words would be an adequate amount per slide. I will pay more for going over the word count (nice tip).

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