
      Sociology 201***Introduction to the Study of Society

  Sociological Social Update

For this assignment, you must compile a list of 25 social scientists, past and/or present, in the various fields of social science. You must briefly identify their main contribution(s); however, you cannot duplicate the names that appear on the Sociological Social Review assignment (those names are duplicated below).  You must do your own research to locate the individuals.  You can use your textbook, the internet and scholarly publications.
(These are the names that you cannot use for this assignment because they appeared on the sociological review).

1.    W.E.B DuBois
2.    Auguste Comte
3.    Herbert Spencer
4.    Ida B. Wells-Barnett
5.    Emile Durkheim
6.    Susan B. Anthony
7.    Ernest Burgess
8.    Karl Marx
9.    Jane Addams
10.    Herbert Blumer
11.    Robert Park
12.    Sojourner Truth
13.    Albion Small
14.    Jessie Bernard
15.    C. Wright Mills
16.    Georg Simmel
17.    Ibn Khaldun
18.    Harriet Martineau
19.    Charles Horton Cooley
20.    George Herbert Mead
21.    Max Weber
22.    Talcott Parsons
23.    Elizabeth Cady Stanton
24.    Charles Darwin
25.    Margaret Mead

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