There are numerous examples of adolescent development, personality, social and risk behaviors in the media

There are numerous examples of adolescent development, personality, social and risk behaviors in the media. The movie we are working on is the movie Grease with John Travolta. I am in a group of 5 people and we each have our own character to talk about. I chose to do the character Kenickie who is played by Jeff Conaway. Simply describe the character and his characteristics in the movie and how he played his role in the movie.
This is supposed to also eventually be converted into power point slides and will be about a 6 minutes presentation. I uploaded how our powerpoint is supposed to look and how we are supposed to describe our characters, but a paper is also supposed to be required as well. Please organize the paper, describe in each paragraph how the character is that was i can break it down into sections when i do the powerpoint. Most importantly please do not plagiarize.

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