Art of promoting Polish universities among foreign students

The title of the entire thesis: “Social networks as a tool of public relations for universities: analysis and recommendations for XXX University”

Important! Polish university. In my work, I only focus on foreign students (not Poles).

The practical part will consist in a survey among foreign students regarding how effective the university’s pages on social networks are, how much they influenced the choice of this particular university, what information they would like to find there, etc. etc., as well as interviews with the international office of the university (do they have a strategy on how to maintain social networks, what is the role of social networks in promoting the University among foreign students (where the content is not in Polish, but in English) etc.)
Comparing the results of the interview, the survey and (!) The theoretical part, I’ll give specific recommendations on how to improve the management of university pages (specifically for foreign students) in social networks


“The art of promoting Polish universities among foreign students”

ideally, mention the theory of push & pull (push factors that motivate students to study abroad; pull- factors by which they choose a country for study and a university – based on a real study of foreign students in Poland, so that in the practical part it would be possible to refer for this theoretical part)

thank you in advance 🙂

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