Life and ministry of the apostle paul

Title Page (no MLA heading when using a Title Page).
Last name and page number in running header, start on second page.
Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced.
Page margins must not exceed 1 inch.
All quotations, including verses, must be in italics or in a distinct color.

At least 180 full lines (not counting titles, headers, quotations, pictures, drawings, table of contents/outline, or bibliography). This will yield approximately eight pages of your own material.  Character spacing must not exceed 100%.  If in doubt, you should have between 90-95 characters on each line counting spaces and punctuation.


At least four sources must be consulted and included in an annotated bibliography.  These cannot include your Bible, New Testament Survey course notes or textbooks, English dictionaries, study Bibles, or a person; although you are free to consult any of these.  At least three of your sources must be accessed through Logos and/or the Library.  You may include one online source.  Note: sources that originally appeared in print but can be accessed electronically through online databases or through Logos are not considered online sources.

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