College writing

In this formal paper assignment, your assignment is to write to analyze and explain a concept using the methodologies that we have discussed in class, primarily analyzing the causes and/or effects of a concept. This concept can be an idea, an event, or anything of that nature
A cause-and-effect essay is an essay in which you write about the causes of something or the effects of something. Therefore, you will explain a concept and look at its causes, look at its effects, of look at both. A cause-and-effect essay addresses such questions as- why does this happen or why did this happen? What are the effects of this happening? Note- This is NOT a persuasive or argumentative essay where you are arguing for or against a position. Remember this.
You will need to do additional research and use at least 3 credible sources to support your argument. These sources can be either print (books, magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.) or electronic (Internet, library databases, etc). Please remember to use the CRAAP test when determining the credibility or reliability of an information source.

And there needs to be a work cited page for the resources that you use.

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