Sexual Offender Probation in the State of Florida

******REFERENCE ORDER #194376113*********

1. Discuss the contents of TWO of the refereed/peer reviewed journal sources for your research paper here. You should indicate.  Each done separately.

The author
The journal
The title and date of the article
The substance of the article
How it relates to the final paper
Your thoughts regarding same

2. Prepare a list of at least ten bullet points  which contains the main points of your research  paper. What type of individuals might be interested in reading your paper? Is this an area to prioritize for further research? Why or Why not?

3. Post your reference page for your research paper. Discuss your research by applying the CRAAP test.

4. Prepare a list of at least ten bullet points  which contains the main points of research  paper. What type of individuals might be interested in reading your paper? Is this an area to prioritize for further research? Why or Why not?

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