Informal writing

“informal” yet organized writing. This one’s a personal narrative so you MAY use the word “I”

Prompt:  How would you feel if your parents had the right to dispose of you as they wished?  What kind of person would they choose?  How would their choice be similar to or different from your own?  Would you obey your parents, accept a consequence like Hermias, or run away?  Why?  (Based on the book “A Midsummer Nights Dream”.

My first paragraph.  Please add… 
If I had parents that were legally allowed to dispose of me like Hermia Im not sure what I would do. I wouldnt want to die so most likely I would comply and do what they want me to. However, if its too severe and I felt in danger or like I couldnt accept it at all I could run away but that would take guts I just know I wouldnt want to die. They probably wouldnt want to though and may help me run away in secret.

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