Have you ever purchased a product or service and thought, “Wow! Other people need to buy this…” or “Everyone needs to avoid this.” This is the beginning of an argument. Nearly every day, we encounter and use arguments to inform and persuade others. A gr

Have you ever purchased a product or service and thought, “Wow! Other people need to buy this…” or “Everyone needs to avoid this.” This is the beginning of an argument. Nearly every day, we encounter and use arguments to inform and persuade others. A great argument is more than just an opinion, though. To be persuasive, an argument needs to use claims and credible evidence to prove its point.

Write a brief (no more than 2 pages) review of a product or service you recently purchased or used. Include at least 2 credible outside sources in your review to support your claims. Format your product review using the CTU APA Template and remember to cite your sources using both in-text citations and a References page for your two sources (the last page). Your product review should include the following parts:

An introduction paragraph that tells your reader what the product is, why you are interested in it (or why you chose that product to review), and your argument and overall recommendations about the product.
At least 2 separate body paragraphs that present claims and evidence to support your argument.
In your body paragraphs, be sure to include appropriate in-text citations to indicate where you are bringing in information from your outside sources.
A conclusion paragraph that includes your recommendation on whether your reader should buy the product.
A References page that correctly lists each of the outside sources you used, formatted appropriately using the CTU APA Guide.

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