Reflection Paper

Twenty-six years after the 4th U.N. Conference on the Status of Women in Beijing, we are still trying to achieve gender equity! According to the 2021 non-governmental organization statements for the March 2021 U.N. Conference on the Status of Women, what have two NGOs documented as ongoing issues for women? What do these groups recommend? Be sure to cite the organization and describe the issues and recommendations that they present. One must be an NGO in Latin America.

From the video, Oh Mercy, and assigned CHAPTER 3-5 Pea (2007), how are women and womens organizations attempting to meet the needs of women at the U.S. Mexico border or within Mexico? To what extent does religion influence their work? What keeps these women motivated to continue the work?

Last, how does this section of the course inspire you to build something different?

Pea, Milagros. 2007. Latina Activists across Borders: Womens Grassroots Organizing in Mexico and Texas. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Link to UN:
Link to “Oh Mercy”:

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