Teaming: Collaboration, Problem Solving, and Inclusion Support

Part 1

You will write 2-page compare and contrast three (3) inclusion models by filling out the Inclusion Support Model (see below). For each model, you’ll describe the key elements and distinctive characteristics, examine the advantages and challenges, and discuss the resources needed to implement each model.

Model 1) One-To-One Assistant    Model 2) Itinerant Consultation    Model 3) Co-teaching

a. Key elements and distinctive characteristics of model           
b. Advantages           
c. Challenges           
d. Resources needed to implement the model   

Part 2

Next, assume you’ve been hired by a school district to provide inclusion support to children with disabilities, ages 35. Write a 2-page reflection essay on which inclusion model you might like to try and why. Discuss what it might look like and what skills you might need to acquire or already have that might help the model develop successfullykeep in mind that there’s no one right inclusion model. There are a variety of ways to accomplish inclusion. The choice of models depends on the needs of the child, family, staff, and resources of the program.

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