Racial Discrimnation Argumentative Essay

I have written half of this essay however it needs major cleaning up.

The essay needs to have a clear thesis, argument as well as counter-arguments in each paragraph.

I want the thesis to revolve around police brutality being specific like (Shootings? Beatings?) and finding THREE examples of discrimination, being VERY clear what I want to discuss/prove — find critics who disagree with me — and make sure I prove my point.

Please keep the evidence for the body paragraphs to remain the same but you can change the overall writing.

In terms of sources, they need to be a few scholarly sources from JSTOR, as well as a few other reliable sources.

Please clean up and rewrite what I already have and finish:

Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3

If you have any questions let me know.
Thank you I really appreciated it.

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