Article Analysis 1

Read the Williamson and Morris (2021) article and address the following:

Prepare a 5 page essay that analyzes the content using course material and at least three (3) additional outside sources. I am looking for a refined argument not simply a summary of the article.

In your essay address the following:

Provide the full citation of the journal article.
Briefly summarize the key points and findings in the article.
Discuss the relationship of the article to course material. How does it inform critical infrastructure protection, risk, and resilience?
Analyze the article from your own viewpoint. What are your thoughts and opinions? Support your views with course material as well as outside materials.
Conclude with research questions the article raises that you would like to explore further.
Your essay must be a minimum of 5 pages, double-spaced and in Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font.  Include in-text citations and references in the APA style.  Use relevant course material and at least 3 outside scholarly sources to support your answer.

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