
reply to classmates post, 125 words each and 1 scholarly reference within last 5 years for each

post 1

One variable that I believe is the most important to take note of when Im selecting a teaching strategy is my students. Heredity, culture, and past experiences have tangible effects on how students learn (Fressola & Patterson, 2017). While it would be ideal to be able to use the same teaching strategy every time in my career, it may need changes or adjustments depending on my students. One of the first activities I will do when I meet a new class is to assess their learning styles. By doing this, I can determine how congruent their styles are with my teaching style (Fressola & Patterson, 2017). Because of this, I should have various learning styles in my toolbox. It will be prudent to incorporate blooms taxonomy to ensure I am creating a space for learning for all of my students. Because my students will be the most diverse, I must not get too comfortable with my own learning style to ensure I am incorporating others (Fressola & Patterson, 2017).

The second variable that needs to be considered prior to selecting a teaching strategy is what the outcome is. There are so many different forms of teaching, but it depends on what concept or topic I am trying to get across. For example, flipping the classroom is a student-centered method of teaching (Fressola & Patterson, 2017). It reverses the table and makes students accountable for accessing course content outside of the classroom. If I wanted to show relationships among concepts, I would incorporate concept maps. They are designed to help students develop logical thinking as they explore relationships among ideas. This would result in an understanding of the big picture (Fressola & Patterson, 2017). There are so many different forms of teaching strategies out there, but it all depends on what I am trying to accomplish with my students.

POst 2

Teaching strategies should promote critical thinking, reflection, and skill development while being designed based on the student’s needs (Senthamarai, 2018). Students learn in various ways, so considering different learning style preferences when selecting a teaching strategy is imperative to all students’ success. Factoring in different learning styles will also improve student engagement which will increase the learning that occurs. It is known that engaged learners are more motivated and have a higher desire to achieve their learning goals (Billings & Halstead, 2016). Engaged learners can also apply the concepts taught in the clinical setting (Billings & Halstead, 2016).

Another factor to consider about your target audience is the age of the learner. Based on adult learning theories, adults use their past experiences to help them learn new things and solidify new learning (InstructionalDesign, 2020). When considering a teaching strategy for an adult, one must choose a method that allows them to draw on their experiences to get the most out of the experience. It is also important to consider generational differences and how they impact learning. Each generation has different characteristics and has lived through different times, which impacts who they are. Although not everyone born in a generation will have the same values, they share common circumstances of what was happening in the world while growing up that shape their worldview. In general, older generations will not be as knowledgeable and comfortable with technology as younger generations who grew up using it and don’t remember when the information was not just a click away. These differences impact how they learn best.

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