Any topic (writer’s choice)

Provide in-depth answers to the questions below. Final papers should be 1600-3200 words long. This is usually about four to six pages long, single-spaced; however you are held to the word count not number of pages. Longer is just fine. Once you start writing you will find it comes easier and faster and you will probably end up writing more than 1600 words. Unlike the homework, do not insert your text into this document and then submit it. You can either answer each question individually (i.e. section heading, then your text), or have the paper flow as a whole.

Many of these questions have already been explored or answered by you in the homework, so you will most likely be reusing some of the text from the homework. However, as the semester has progressed, you may have gained more insights into yourself from readings, lectures, reflections, and/or exercises, so you may end up revising or adding to what you wrote in the homework. You might also revise the text from the homework so it flows better in the paper. You should also check Blackboard to see if I had any comments or corrections. It might also help to occasionally check out the ICC in One Page handout on BB.

The best papers are not written in one sitting but rather developed in separate sessions. You might even find yourself jotting notes/emails to yourself during the day with thoughts, notes, observations, etc.

1. What is your familys cultural inheritance? (9 pts)
Describe historical experiences, which, even if nearly forgotten, still directly or indirectly influence values, thoughts, feelings, and behavior in your family of origin. Consider immigrant beginnings and migration history, and/or critical past experiences or events. Think of institutions, religious and other affiliations, socio-economic class memberships and/or events that were or are critical in shaping your family. [not in HW]

2. What was your socialization in terms of place & family of origin? (9 pts)
a) Where did you grow up? What kind of a place/community was it (define that however you wish)? How do you think that influenced you culturally? [not in HW]

b) Describe a few values, beliefs, norms, or worldviews that were important as you were growing up, giving examples if you can. How were they taught and reinforced? Which ones were taught explicitly (spoken) and which were taught implicitly (unspoken)? [not in HW]

3. What are some other experiences that shaped who you are culturally? (9 pts)
a) What non-family groups or individuals were very important in shaping you, from childhood through today? This could be from interactions or time spent with friends, at a job or jobs, a sports team, club, school, or neighborhood, children you played with, or personal relationships that were important in shaping who you are. [not in HW]
b) Have your cultural values, worldview, or behaviors changed from your original programming? How and when did these changes happen? [not in HW]

4. Social and Personal Identities (8 pts)
Take a look at the identity wheel you created in class. It has your social identities as the spokes, and your personal identities inside the circle in the middle. The next four questions relate to your social and personal identities

a) Take a look at the identity wheel you created in class. Which identity are you most comfortable with? Why? [HW #5]

b) Take a look at the identity wheel you created in class. Which identity are you least comfortable with? Why? [HW #5]

c) Take a look at the identity wheel you created in class. Which personal identity (in the inside circle) are you most proud of? Why? [HW #5]
d) What have you learned about your own identity, as a whole or in parts? How can this help you when encountering others whose identities may be different from you?. [HW #5]

5. What are your preferred communication styles? (5 pts)
a) Discuss two of your preferred verbal communication styles (i.e. direct/indirect, linear/circular, attached/detached, etc. What does this mean in terms of how do you do communication in the world??  [HW #3, see also the handout on communication styles].

b) What are some of your nonverbal communication patterns or preferences (i.e. personal space, voice volume, expressiveness/use of gestures, cultural display rules, etc.)? [HW #4].

6. Conflict Styles (5 pts)
a) Discuss your primary and secondary conflict style(s). [HW #8]

b) Describe and then analyze a conflict or difficult situation (intercultural or not) that you had with someone else, preferably with someone very different from you in some way, or when verbal communication, language and/or nonverbal communication issues played a role. Make sure to cover what happened, who said/did what, and the outcome. [HW #8] Make sure to answer the following questions
1. What happened? Who was involved, who said/did what? What was the outcome?
2. What would you say the conflict was about: Content, Relational, or Identity-based goals?
3. What conflict styles were you and the other person using?
4. What roles did dignity and saving face play in the conflict, from each persons point of view?
5. In hindsight, what might you or the other person have done differently?

7. Cultural approaches to the world (12 pts)
a) Discuss how do you approach the world in terms of Collectivist/Individualist orientation? What does this mean in terms of your behavior and values? [part in HW #2]

b) Discuss how do you approach the world in terms of Hofstedes Uncertainty Avoidance orientation? What does this mean in terms of your behavior and values? [not in HW]

8. Worldview (8 pts)
Answer either question A or B. [HW #8]

A.For those with a current or prior religious tradition:

For the religion in which you were raised, or one you currently practice (one you have strong ties to), choose a favorite ritual or practice (this can be done daily, weekly, or annually). 

1.Describe what happens and why it happens (its purpose).

2.Discuss why you like this ritual/practicehow it makes you feel.

B. For those without a current or prior religious tradition, or if you would just rather answer this question:
1. If you were not raised in a religious tradition, or dont currently practice a religion, discuss your current worldviewhow you see the universe, the purpose or nature of humanity, the nature of good/evil, and something humans do that inspires you. You might also discuss how you came to believe what you believe today.

9. Encountering difference (25 pts)
a) Growing up, what in-groups and out-groups were defined in your family and membership groups? Were any biases or prejudices present, i.e. passed on from family or other identity groups you are a member of? What stereotypes of other people were shared or discussed? [not in HW]

b) Write about your first awareness of differences in color, identity, ethnicity, religion, or cultural backgroundthe first time you realized that people could be different from you. [not in HW]

c) When you were younger, did you go to school with or have friends or family that were different?  What about now? [not in HW]

d) Take a look at your identity wheel again. Describe a time when one of your social identities (not the center, personal stuff) was challenged, heightened, denigrated (put down), or made the situation uncomfortable, i.e. when it started thumping or when you were bullied for one of your identities. It could also be a time when all of a sudden you realized were in the out-group. [HW #6]

e) Describe when a stereotype or negative image you had of another identity group was shattered and you saw the humanity of the other person/people (Bennetts Minimization phase). In other words, when a section of your bias windshield was wiped off. This can be from an experience in-person, or an insight that resulted from interacting with some form of media (television, news articles, documentaries, online interactions, heck, even movies/fiction). [Not in HW]

10. What are your current assets in intercultural competence, and where is there room for growth? (9 pts)
a. Discuss three skills or qualities of yours that you currently have that are important to intercultural competence. [Not in HW]

b. Discuss three intercultural competence skills or qualities that you think could be developed or improved within yourself. [Not in HW]

c. How has your understanding of yourself and culture changed over the course of the semester, and/or as you wrote this paper? [Not in HW]

11. (Extra Credit, up to 5 pts)
Looking ahead, how could you use your intercultural communication expertise in your current or intended career? How could ICC skills help you? Be as specific as possible. Imagining situations is ok.

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