Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write this essay exactly as the professor asks. I upload a guideline and feedback provided by the professor.

I quote the email below that the professor sent to me.  REMIND again, Please write this essay exactly as the professor asks.

“From what I can tell, you’re going to argue that Russell advocates for work as beneficial in itself, and that the pay received from work is best spent in helping other people maintain employment. This is a fine argument, but make sure that you include a clear, concise thesis statement.

I only see one source here– Marchese? Make sure you have two (in addition to Russell). Cite them properly according to MLA so that all the information is included– author name, publication, date, pages.

Make sure that you keep your argument at the forefront throughout. Some of these paragraphs appear similar to a summary of Russell’s essay (for example, Paragraph 8– this is what Russell writes, but what are you going to add to it?).”

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