SWOT analysis for two company I want to work for

Report Sections:

1. Cover Page

2. Table of contents

3..Introduction Present the reason why the report is being written, the nature of the opportunity you are facing, the scope of your research, sources of materials and what conclusion you reached (direct approach). This is a brief statement about which company you preferred as your number 1 choice of an employer. (There are several possible conclusions you might draw you prefer 1 of the companies over another, or both companies are appealing to you; or neither company meets your requirements.) You will also forecast what you will be writing about in the rest of your paper.

4.Company Evaluations In this section, you will present your evidence. You will report for each company the following:
    Company Background and History
    SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, threats) Each part has to have its own paragraph with a proper in-text citation.

5.Conclusion Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each company and give your final reasons for choosing one company over the other.

6. Next Steps – What will be your next steps in following up on this report as you begin planning for your career. What do you need to do to be ready to begin your job search and choose a company

7. Reference page following APA guidelines 7th edition

Two companies need to be analytical is in the Annotated Bibliography which I attached.
All the resources which you might have no access to, I have attached as pdfs, you must use all the sources from Annotated Bibliography

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