Japanese Buddhism

Overview: Theravada (called the Ritsu or Risshu school) was known and practiced in early Japan, being one of the Six Schools of Nara Buddhism. But just as was the case in China, this branch of the Buddhist tradition was overwhelmed almost immediately by Mahayana and Vajrayana.  Such an outcome was not the case in Southeast Asia, where Theravada overwhelmed the other two branches of Buddhism over time.

Prompt: What factors (such as differences in Buddhist doctrine and practice, social, cultural and political factors, and historical events) do you think account for the dominance of Mahayana and Vajrayana not just in Japan, but throughout all of East Asia?

90-100 =A  Performance of the student at the highest level, showing sustained excellencein meeting all course requirements and exhibiting an unusual degree of intellectual initiative.”

80-89  = B  “Performance of the student has been at a high level, showing consistent and effective achievement in meeting course requirements.”

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