The first 50 years of the Republic were a period of growth and change. Analyze the political, economic, social, and territorial changes in order to explain how the country developed. Your analysis should include one primary document for each of the ch

The first 50 years of the Republic were a period of growth and change. Analyze the political, economic, social, and territorial changes in order to explain how the country developed.

Political: Political parties, understanding of the Constitution, Quasi War, War of 1812, changing voting requirements, elections (1800, 1824 especially), Missouri Compromise

Economic: Market economy, Bank of the United States, Tariffs, Panics, Factories, Cotton and agriculture, global trade

Territorial: Louisiana Purchase, Cherokee Removal, boundaries & agreements, western expansion, Monroe Doctrine

Social: Immigration, slavery, expanded voting, social classes, factory system, Lowell girls, early reform ideas

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