For your research paper assignment, complete a paper of 5-8 pages, not counting your title page and reference page, on a topic that pertains to the criminal justice system. You paper should cover, policing, courts, probation/parole or corrections. You s

For your research paper assignment, complete a paper of 5-8 pages, not counting your title page and reference page, on a topic that pertains to the criminal justice system.  You paper should cover, policing, courts, probation/parole or corrections.  You should further narrow your topic to a certain aspect of the system.  For example, if you decide to write your paper over policing you should narrow it to an aspect of policing like police discretion.  Your paper must be written in APA format using Times New Roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins.  You must use at least 5 scholarly sources ( no wiekipidia).  Your paper is due no later than Friday November 6th and can be turned in at any time during the semester on or prior to that date.  You paper must be submitted through Blackboard and I do not accept late papers.

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