Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are expected to conduct research on all the topics that fall under Political Risks for the country Nigeria which are:
Political System
Legal System
Tariff/Nontariff barriers (taxes, quotas etc.)
Subsidies/Governmental investment incentives
Regional Economic Blocs
Intellectual Property Law

After you assess the risk, you will summarize your analysis. Your summary should present your recommendations for how to manage the risks associated with doing business in Nigeria.  

Your summary should provide sample support for your decision or recommendations regarding doing business (or not) in Nigeria.

You will address these risk related factors in detail sufficient to communicate the amount, nature and scope of the risk you identified with that particular country. You should present the most current and accurate information possible.

Your paper will provide a minimum of 8 active links to source material (of any kind, article, video, music, etc.) as well as an analysis section of at least 2 double-spaced pages.

You will also fully document your sources and provide complete APA style citations for all of your sources.

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