Special Education and Children with Disabilities


Questions to be answered. (Each question must have at least 250 words)

1.    What are some different perspectives on how Robert is doing?
2.    What evidence is provided to support these different perspectives?
3.    Why do you think different adults have different perspectives on Robert?
4.    Review the definition for ADHD and for EBD. Do you feel that Robert has either of these disabilities? Why or why not? Consider the concept of opportunity to learn in Roberts case.
5.    Once Robert had threatened to kill a teacher, his label quickly changed. This also changed his placement. In your opinion, should the type of label a child receives dictate services?
6.    Research definition of the term manifest determination and what IDEA states about discipline regarding this concept. How does this apply to Robert? Pretend you are an administrator at South Park Elementary. Based on the law, what types of disciplinary procedures might you have ordered for Robert?

Do not use outside sources just the one below:

Building Bridges to Practice – The IRIS Center Encouraging Appropriate Behavior: http://iriscenter.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf_case_studies/ics_encappbeh.pdf

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