Any topic (writer’s choice)

Critical Reading Summary Series #3
Critical Reading Summaries:

You may select any 5 readings but the reading you select is due at the beginning of class when the reading is taken up.  Each summary should include the title/heading and 3 paragraphs:

The heading should be the reading identified in proper citation style (ASA or APA);

Paragraph #1 should be an overview of the reading (1.5 mark);

Paragraph #2 should be an identification of a key concept or argument with direct quotes (1 mark);

Paragraph #3 = an explanation in your own words + its significance or relevance to the topic and the larger course (1.5 marks).

Word length: 1 page or 300 words

Critical Reading Summary Series #4
Critical Reading Summaries:

You may select any 5 readings but the reading you select is due at the beginning of class when the reading is taken up.  Each summary should include the title/heading and 3 paragraphs:

The heading should be the reading identified in proper citation style (ASA or APA);

Paragraph #1 should be an overview of the reading (1.5 mark);

Paragraph #2 should be an identification of a key concept or argument with direct quotes (1 mark);

Paragraph #3 = an explanation in your own words + its significance or relevance to the topic and the larger course (1.5 marks).

Word length: 1 page or 300 words

Critical Reading Summary Series #5
Critical Reading Summaries:

You may select any 5 readings but the reading you select is due at the beginning of class when the reading is taken up.  Each summary should include the title/heading and 3 paragraphs:

The heading should be the reading identified in proper citation style (ASA or APA);

Paragraph #1 should be an overview of the reading (1.5 mark);

Paragraph #2 should be an identification of a key concept or argument with direct quotes (1 mark);

Paragraph #3 = an explanation in your own words + its significance or relevance to the topic and the larger course (1.5 marks).

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