
ESSAY 2 is an essay analyzing a work of short fiction found in the class textbook and NOT assigned/covered/discussed in any class modules.  If you are in any doubt, you need to ask me if you use a story covered/used for the class, you will receive a zero for your essay.

You must write a 500-700 word, thoughtful essay analyzing some arguable aspect of the story selected.  This aspect could be larger meaning, or how some element contributes to meaning, etc. Whatever text you focus on, it must make a clear analytical claim (i.e. arguable) that you support with direct evidence from the story (this means quote/paraphrase no block quotes), and explain in detail, logically and clearly connecting it to the thesis claim (i.e. warrants).  Secondary sources (sources other than the story itself) are allowed only with pre-approval.  Specific and accurate MLA citations from the story itself are required. 

IMPORTANT:  You also need to demonstrate in your Essay 2 that you have addressed the issues I have been marking in the graded/posted journals and Essay 1.

MLA format is required (including in-text citations and a Works Cited), as are well-organized paragraphs that flow well, solid sentences, attention to grammar and punctuation, topic sentences, and so forth (see Grading Rubric).  Again, your essay must include an interpretive claim and several lines of support. 

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