Stress Managment

Chosen Stressor: Grief this is a build on to the previous PSMJ2 attached below.

You are going to create a thoughtful plan for addressing 1 primary stressor in your life. Below is the process/outline broken down into more defined steps. Address each prompt below to create a personal stress management plan to address the personal stressor you have chosen to focus on:

Identify one stressor in your life which you would like to manage better
In your textbook on page 543-546, read & review the “Creating Your Own Stress- Management Program”.
Pick one chapter in your textbook from Part 3-coping strategies (Chapters 9-17) to use as a reference and resource for creating a plan to managing your identified stressor. Describe how you plan to apply the material to your plan for stress management.
Pick 2 worksheets from part 3-coping strategies in your workbook that you have not already done. Complete them and discuss how they assisted you in managing or understanding your stressor.
Combine what you have learned from the textbook, worksheets, and class learning materials in general with your own ideas and form a real tangible plan to manage your stressor. Remember to follow the S.M.A.R.T. principles when making any goal.
Give a summary of the plan you created including…
Identify and describe specific things you will do to reduce the amount of stress you experience. Be specific as you can (S.M.A.R.T. goals).
Pinpoint and describe how you will implement at least one coping skill you will practice.
Identify at least one behavior you plan to change and how you plan to change it. (Remember Chapter 10 on Behavior Modification).
Describe the change you expect. Describe your expectations for results.
Discuss your rationale for the plan.

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