Beef Industry

In 1989, the Economic portions of the states making up the European Union banned the importation of beef injected with hormones from the United States. The U.S. beef industry has lost export sales of over $500 million annually. In retaliation for the ban, the U.S. placed high import tariffs on EU products that resulted in over $100 million in annual punitive revenues.

The U.S. State Department is preparing to negotiate with the EU to resolve this issue. Congress is debating the steps the State Department should take in order to get the best solution. The State Department is prepared to remove the punitive tariffs on EU goods in order to have the ban on beef lifted.

This is the final draft of your current events research paper. Use the edits from your first paper to help you complete this one. You should have at least three sections, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, the United States beef industry, the EU beef industry, and the conflict between the two with regards to exports from the US. I will be looking for an informed opinion, meaning you must back up your claims.

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