Can “understanding” be reducible to a complex algorithm e.g. a computer program? Or is understanding irreducible? Contrast the answers given by Churchlands reductionism, Turings functionalism, and Searles holism. Which (if any) position(s) do you favo

Introduction -What is the context and subsequent implicit meaning
Thesis and road-map
Definitions or setup

– Explain Understanding for AI
– Is understanding Irreducible
– Reduction-ism
– Churchladn’s reduction-ism
– Functionalism
– Turing’s functionalism
– Holism
– Searle’s holism

Arguments for the Thesis

Arguments in Favor of Churchland
Argument #1
Argument #2 – Objection – Rebuttal to Objection – Conclusion
Arguments in favor of Turing
Argument #1
Argument #2 – Objection – Rebuttal to Objection – Conclusion
Arguments in favor of Searle
Argument #1
Argument #2 – Objection – Rebuttal to Objection – Conclusion

Acceptable vs unacceptable uses of AI understanding
-Proposal – Problems for Proposal
-Counterproprosal – Problems for Counterproposal

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