Geography Assessment

Your written response must be typed, using 12 point font, with 1 inch margins, double-spaced and in an essay format (introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs). Be sure to use content from the textbook ( Diversity Amid Globalization: World Regions, Environment, Development, 7e) and lectures to support your argument. The essay should be between a page and a half to two pages.
Select one World Region or Realm you studied this semester in your Regional Geography of the World course. Identify three characteristics (population patterns, economic patterns, political systems, climate, biomes, religion, language, etc.) found in the majority of countries in the region that justify the grouping of countries together as a unit. Be specific about how each characteristic is shared among countries in the region. Next, discuss an outlier to one of the shared characteristics that contribute to the diversity present in the region.

No other citations are required, if it’s written by using info from text book.

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