mobile media and games

You are expected to write a critical essay that explores mobile media, discussing aspects like practices, identities, aesthetics and consumption. The essay should have a clear argument and a solid theoretical framework, and respond to one of the questions below. The following questions are quite broad and should be considered as a starting point. You need to make the question your own by further defining and narrowing down your focus!
Question 1. Mobile media have facilitated a reconfiguration of both time and space. Critically discuss how mobile media have transformed the cultural practices of work or being at home.
Question 2. In his essay on Locative Interfaces and Social MediaLinks to an external site., J Farman suggests that  mobile media have led us to re-examine the nature and status of proximity and intimacy. He continues, online social networks have been fostering a sense of place and intimacy for several decades; yet, with the advent of location-based social networks, have we become more intimate?’ (p. 58). Critically discuss using specific examples from your own personal experience and academic studies of online practices to illustrate your points.
Question 3. Mobile media are shifting our relationship to the notions of public and private. They facilitate new ways of being both attentive and inattentive, of connecting and disconnecting with others. Critically discuss using academic work and relevant examples.

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