Homework Questions

I have 4 homework questions that need to answered using the Lesson #3-d, which I have attached to the order. The 4 questions are at the end of the lesson and I will also paste them after these instructions.

1.  Since Paley had never personally witnessed the original cause of thestones appearance in the field he walked across, he has no logical basis for concluding it was caused by natural forces, such as the ice age.  (For example, it could have been caused by anything, such as an alien visit to the planet.)

a) Answer in one word whether this statement is True or False

            b) Explain why you answered a) as you did by applying some of the analyses presented in the Lesson or text.  (A satisfactory answer must use ideas and logic from the Lesson or the text, not just unthought out personal reactions that reflect no study of the ideas.)

2.  In a similar manner to 1.:

    Since no one has ever witnessed the so-called designer of the orderly universe, there is no logical basis for concluding there was such a designer.

            a) Answer in one word whether this statement is True or False

            b) Explain why you answered a) as you did by applying some of the analyses presented in the Lesson or text.  (A satisfactory answer must use ideas and logic from the Lesson or the text, not just unthought out personal reactions that reflect no study.)

3.  A.Present a comparison of the similarities between the motion of the planets in our solar system and the motion of the parts of a watch, which Paley finds on the ground.  Paley calls the motion regulated (p.74): look up the meaning of regulated and explain what it means as a way of explaining the motion of both the watch and the planets. 

      B.Explain how the Laws of Nature, such as Newtons  Law of Gravitation, and the Law of Inertia, can be used to explain what regulated means and how they apply to the example of planetary motion.  (Be specific: look up what the law of gravitation and the law of inertia are, from some internet site, and work them into your answer.)

4.    How does Philo object to the Design Argument by showing that even if the argument had successfully proved the universes motions were caused by an intelligent designer, the argument still did not prove the designer was God?  Be specific and detailed; dont talk in generalities. 

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