
Read Roberts Case and answer the following questions. You may combine answers as long as you address each question. Please remember to use research, theory, and laws from this courses texts (from any Module) as well as specific examples from the case to support each

1) What are Roberts strengths?

2) What practices at school and at home support Roberts learning and development?

3) What are some areas that you think Robert may need additional support in?

4) Write one specific, measurable goal for Robert and explain why you chose this goal.

5) What is one strategy that you would use to support Robert in achieving this goal? Be as specific as possible about how and why you would use this strategy with Robert.

6-8) Answer questions 1, 2 and 3 from the case study

(The PACER Center has some great suggestions for writing measurable goals of the sort that would go on IEPs: PACER Center (2018) IEP goals.pdfPreview the document )

(The IRIS Center has some great suggestions if you are new to thinking about strategies. See suggestions starting on p. 6 : IRISics_encappbeh.pdfPreview the document )

*Remember to use evidence from the articles, book chapters, videos, and other texts you have been reading for this class to support your claims. As always, see rubric for specific requirements. 

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