art history

Women Modernists – CHOOSE ONE

Some issues you might consider addressing

—training / challenges
—assessment, (re)-evaluation, or market value of her work in her time and after
whether the artist has a partner who happens to be an artist, how that might have an impact on the interpretation of her work

General Guidelines:

—Select TWO pieces of artwork (painting, sculpture, photograph, etc) from the appropriate time period for visual analysis. (this could be same artist or different artists)
—Use these two pieces of art to examine and/or elaborate on the assigned topic.
—How do these two pieces build a formal dialogue or provide a fuller picture of the historical context?
—How do these two pieces embody the identity of the artist(s)? (you are encourage to relate to Feminist and/or Post-Colonial discourse)
—Be sure to have proper citations. (you are encouraged to use footnotes)
—Be sure to have illustrations. (with proper captions, you don’t need to repeat basic information in your main text)

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