Jackson Purchase Medical Center

Look this is a really hard Work!
your research is of Jackson Purchase Medical Center
here is all the Instruction and all the Instighst I exported for you to work with, use pictures from those insights.

And there is a very good example you can see and understand better
good luck.

Each student will be given Admin access to a live “client” Facebook page. If you manage a page for a Company, group or other organization, you may request instructor approval to use your own client in this assignment.

Using the metrics and analytics material introduced in this module, put your critical thinking skills to track the metrics over time and produce a report in memo form written to your CLIENT, including screenshots of at least 8 data fields (metrics) followed by a paragraph (or two) interpreting the raw data. Draw conclusions and end your report with a list of specific recommendations for the client moving forward. In other words, based on the research, tell them what this page could improve upon.

NOTE: You must do this assignment on a laptop or desktop. No work done on a Smartphone will be accepted.

NOTE: You must change the date field within Facebook Insights so you can report on a 3-month period of date. Do not use any screenshots of the default summary landing page in Insights. 

To restate the project – using ALL of the “Insights” available to you at this social media account, write a report in the form of a professional MEMO to the client, providing a synopsis and analysis (report) of how the social network is performing for the company. In other words, critique the performance using ONLY data gleaned through the client’s metrics in “Facebook insights” and offer an educated analysis in a professional format. Double-space and come up with a MEMO format heading in a word doc. Upload the completed Word doc to this space on Canvas.

HERE (Links to an external site.) is an article that will help you complete this assignment. Please also read the other REQUIRED files/documents in the module!

Pages and admin status:

Here’s a sample assignment:

To: Mr. Shawn Touney

From: Bailey Bohannon

Subject: Performance report for the Murray State University Facebook Business Page

After taking a deep look into the MSU Facebook Insights’ metrics, here are my recommendations moving forward:

  A bulleted list of specific recommendation may be inserted here OR at the end of the MEMO.

Explanations for each of these recommended improvements are as follows:

GRAPHIC HERE – Metrics on When Fans are on the PAGE

First, the metrics above show that Wednesday is the most active day of the week for our page fans. Although it is a significant difference, it could still affect the timing of major promotions. Also, the important thing to note from this metric is to take note that followers are more active during the late evening times. While most of Murray State Universitys posts are scheduled or posted out during the late morning to early afternoon times, these metrics clearly show more engagement could be possible if posts were scheduled out in the late evening between the times of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.

GRAPHIC HERE – Metrics on specific post engagement

Second, of the most recent posts to the MSU page, the one with the most organic engagement is the results post for All-Campus Sing. Unlike most of the other posts around that time, this post was just text. It had no video or picture, not even a link to an outside website or a link to someone elses Facebook profile, yet it still performed well because it was a major campus tradition.

GRAPHIC HERE – Metrics about competitors’ pages

Next, from this metric, comparisons with Murray State to other competitors can be analyzed. All these social media pages, Murray State University works closely with. By regularly checking the standings with this metric, one can determine which pages to best partner with to benefit both pages overall. At this time, Murray State Alumni and Friends is seeing the most engagement.

GRAPHIC HERE – Metrics on which devices fans are accessing the page from

From this metric, its not surprising that more than a majority of followers are viewing the Murray State University page from mobile devices. Although there isnt really anything to do to try and change that, however, its important to keep this in mind when running promotions. Graphics and videos need to be compatible with mobile devices.

GRAPHIC HERE – Metrics on the demographic breakdown of page fans

Not surprisingly, the largest age demographic is college age, between the ages of 18 and 24. This is good because Murray State is a college and its trying to recruit and retain this demographic as students. But it also means posting about alumni events or parents’ events might not be as engaging as intended.

Murray State University has many international students from all over the world, and while that is taken into account when posts are made, this is an important metric to look at how Murray State University can effectively incorporate diversity into everyday posts with the most likely form of success.

GRAPHIC HERE – More metrics relating to demographics of fans

This metric shows that women are a key demographic of Murray State University. The largest demographic is women between the ages of 25 and 34 which would be mothers most likely. Considering this demographic can help the University tailor its posts to better target women in general and mothers more specifically.

GRAPHIC HERE – Metrics on Video engagement

Finally, a very important metric to consider is the influence of videos on engagement. Here, from the metrics, it can be concluded that live videos are even more effective than normal videos. Also, the 47-second video with the best performance is a live video from all campus sing, again affirming that lining posts up with campus traditions result in the best engagement.

Thank you for your time and consideration, please let me know if you have any further questions.

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