human origins anthropology

I don’t have the text book so you can use online sources and YouTube link to answer the questions , please try to provide detailed answers

Human Origins ANTH 1200
Writing Assignment

Watch the documentary Darwins Dangerous Idea
Read assigned textbook chapters 2 and 3
Watch class lectures
Answer the following questions in a SEPARATE word document with just your name in the top
You are encouraged to use references, but please make sure you are citing them correctly (using APA or similar referencing formatting) BE SURE YOU ARE NOT PLAGARIZING SOMEONE ELSES WORK

Who is credited with one of the FIRST major attempts to explain the process of evolutionary change through time? What is the erroneous mechanism hypothesized by this individual?

What can we learn from hummingbirds? How do they provide evidence for natural selection? How do new species arise?

How does HIV demonstrate evolution?

How does the eye demonstrate the imperfect processes of evolution? Why is evolution not perfect?

In your opinion why didnt Darwin publish his ideas sooner than he did?

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