The Clash of Civilizations

locate and describe Huntingtons main thesis clearly

explain what he means by a civilization, after which you locate and describe all of Huntingtons sub-arguments which are used to support his main argument.
Having done this, you will then turn to look at Brooks criticisms of Huntingtons argument so that you may consider the weaknesses inherent to his argument and be able to assess it in a more informed manner.

how well you have summarized and described Huntingtons main argument/thesis.

You will then be graded on how well you describe each successive sub-argument presented by Huntington to support his main argument, and how well you present Brooks criticisms/critiques. Points will be deducted for each missed or badly explained sub-argument.

clearly explain each of those sub-arguments and explain and how the connect/support his main argument. As always, quality of writing

cite them (in Turabian/Chicago style) as necessary.

footnotes for citation in Turabian style and include page numbers

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